R&R BBQ is one of those places you hear about from a “big dude” you know you can trust about food. When I walked in for the first time, I knew this was a place with amazing potential. The line moves quickly along and they have the ordering process worked out very well. The menu includes a lot of meat and side options and sizes but the real attention grabber for me was the R&R Burger and the Caveman Burger. We’ll save the R&R Burger for another visit because the Caveman Burger deserves an entire post all to its perfectly delicious self. Here goes.
Covered in delicious R&R Sweet Sauce with a healthy dose of smoked sausage, brisket, jalapeno, pepper Jack cheese and a deliciously perfect third pound beef patty, the Caveman burger is something that must be experienced to truly understand it’s power. It’s not a grossly huge burger, it’s a loaded burger. When you are asked if you’d like a side of coleslaw for it, say yes. The best bites were when the sausage, brisket, jalapeno, cheese and beef blended together with the crispy fresh coleslaw and gooey bun to make burger paradise for my tastebuds. The bun is good (could be great with a little higher quality bread but still pretty darn good). What I loved most was that the Caveman Burger is a unique blend of R&R goodness that really can only be experienced there. I love a good, original burger like that and the Caveman did not disappoint.
Now for my next favorite part of a good burger meal. The fries. The original fries were good. Nothing fancy but dependably good. The R&R BBQ fry sauce isn’t anything fancy either. I was a little surprised by that because I assumed they’d add their own flare to the fry sauce. I ate everything and enjoyed every single bite. Overall, I’d say this is an easy 8.5 on the BurgerVoice scale.
Will you like it? Yes! Will you like R&R BBQ even if you don’t have a burger? Of course. Are the nachos delicious? YES!
10646 S 300 W
South Jordan, UT 84095