Burger King took an opportunity to get super creative on us and have now introduced the official french fry burger and it’s on the value menu for a dollar. Remember that time you wanted fries and a burger but only had a dollar? Worry no more my friends, you can accomplish both for a buck. Here’s the our official french fry burger review after today’s Burger King run.
Honestly, it wasn’t too bad. It had a little extra mayo and ketchup but I don’t mind a drippy burger and the lettuce was a nice touch but the 4-5 french fries wedged above the beef patty actually made for a delicious burger experience. It was a typical Burger King burger with a hint of fry goodness all in one. That’s right, the french fry burger tasted just like a french fry burger. This review is easy, if you are looking for a dollar burger and like french fries than go ahead and try the french fry burger at Burger King. It’s very, very appropriate for a road trip.